Friday, June 10, 2005
In LoVe with L0mograHy
Well right now I just love the Lomo or lomograhy.
What is lomograhy?
" Leningradskoye Optiko Mechanichesckoye Obeyedinenie " Lense which produced long time agon in Russia. They maybe the frist paparasy or spy camper used in the cold war. The camera and lense are cheap made in cheap then. Some new models are quite expensive (LC-A).
It become a fashion after 1992 when 2 austrian use the lomo camera to shoot strange looks of photograhy. Breaking off the Rule of third and add the new point and shoot judge the picture from feeling rather than the viewer of the camera using silde film and developed in cross process (negative film developer).
I actually have seen some of these pics about a year ago have tried some but not so much interested in it. Until I feel letting go of my ego to get a new DSLR camera as the cost are expensive and I use my 128 MB SD card for my PDA so I left my Exlim 2S a good adaptable for Lom0 digital camera with little help of Photoshop can create a great effects ...
My lomo album