Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Another visit at Simitivej Hospital

about 27 or 28 July I went to visit sensei again with my mother's email to her. This time was quite fun as I met ann, her niece. I have known ann for quite some times so we can have a nice chat there.

i got ann's pics on sensei's first day at the hosptial.

She was all wraped up there ... but now she can walk about little bit. she can go about 2-300 meteres on the trainner (dont know what's called. it's not a stick for sure).

That day she was looking at the photos ann bought for when she went to japan for Kimono show. Seems she's happy to see the pictures as always....

below are the pics i took before i was going home.

she reading my mom's email print out 3-4 times as usual ;) seems she's enjoy it.

before we going home she told the story that she heard the sounds about 2-3am in the morning everyday. Sounds like someone pulling the bed ... she got scared on that. couldnt sleep and have high pressure next morning...

keep visiting for updates.. she going to be there about 3 weeks more...

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